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Ventura CA, Exterior House Painters

Exterior Painting Services In Ventura & Thousand Oaks

Painting contractor in Santa Barbara

Exterior House Painters In Thousand Oaks & Ventura

  • excellent surface preparation

  • Pressure washing

  • wood staining

  • trim painting & staining

  • deck painting & staining

  • wood siding painting

  • stucoo priming & painting

  • Iron priming & painting

  • stucco plastering

  • color matching


A fresh exterior painting job is a way of revitalizing the exterior look of a house or building. But more importantly is an investment on your property.


A good painting job should raise your property value for your house in Ventura or Thousand Oaks. Painting the exterior of a home is a way of conserving the conditions on the stucco, wood, metals, and other surfaces, also saving you money on any future replacement on decay surfaces. Also painting helps to water proof thus saving you money and future headaches. For this you need a painting company that can provide durable exterior painting systems.


Rainbow Custom Painting, provides durable exterior painting finishes, for the fallowing cities Camarillo, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village and Ventura. To achieve a durable and long lasting paint job, excellent preparation of the surface to be painted is crucial. Metals, woods, stucco, etc., should be prepare accordingly and be prime and spot prime with the appropriate primer. On a great exterior paint job most of the work should be on the preparation process. Our five start painters understand the importance in good exterior preparation. After prepping and priming, choosing the right finish coating is important. Exterior durable coatings are more expensive than inferior coatings, but are worth every penny. Unless you have an area that is not going to be exposed to the sun and the elements you might be able to get away using leaser quality finish coatings. But for the most part that's not the case. Exterior surfaces get pounded by the sun, rain, and heavy particles like dust. That's why two coats of premium finish coating is the way to go for a long lasting durable paint system. Call Rainbow Custom Painting of Santa Barbara to receive more information on the right exterior paint system for your home or commercial building.


In all of our exterior painting quotes, the application of two coats of the finish is included on the price.

We also offer affordable maintenance plans on the  exterior painting work.



Business Hours: open during Covid-19 pandemic
Monday to Friday 7Am-6PM |Saturday  8AM-4PM |Sunday  9AM-3PM
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722 San Pascual St, Apt B, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101 

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